Polibek půlnoci je první díl upírské ságy americké spisovatelky Lary Adrian. Autorka ve svém poutavém románu stvořila temný svět, v němž se mistrně mísí napětí se scénami plnými spalující vášně. Kniha, která byla přeložena do několika jazyků, si získala příznivce po celém světě. Tajemný přitažlivý cizinec pozoruje hlavní hrdinku, mladou fotografku Gabrielle, v přeplněném tanečním klubu. Dívka se později stane svědkyní brutální vraždy a děj nabírá nečekané obrátky. Gabrielle je uvržena do světa, o němž doposud neměla tušení – do světa plného stínů, kde žijí upíři, jejichž existenci si běžní lidé vůbec neuvědomují, a kde hrozí vypuknutí krvavé války. Lucan Thorne je upír, jehož posláním je už po staletí chránit nic netušící lidstvo před hrozbou zvrhlých upířích soukmenovců, kteří propadli zhoubné závislosti na krvi. Když potká půvabnou Gabrielle, jeho život se rázem změní. Ve chvíli, kdy si Gabrielle vyberou za terč jeho nepřátelé, pouští se sám do boje o její záchranu… |
Ad Polibek půlnoci, Adrian Lara Renča - 03. 11. 2010 12:26 „Potřebuješ ze sebe dostat agresivitu? Musí být těžký se soustředit, když ti to pořád bzučí v hlavě. Krev proudí tak rychle, že přehluší všechno ostatní. Dokážeš myslet jenom na hlad. Ani se nenaděješ a má tě v hrsti.“
Krvelačnost. Ta rozděluje už tisíciletí upíry na dvě skupiny. Na ty, kteří podlehnou a stanou se Škůdci, a ty, kteří odolávají. Sklouznout na tenké hraně však mohou i ti nejsilnější. Lucan a několik dalších bojovníků Rodu podnikají každou noc lovecké výpravy, aby vymýtili choré jedince, kteří mohou ohrozit křehké příměří s lidmi.
Lucan je zakladatelem kasty bojovníků v rámci Rodu, pochází z první generace upírů – je synem jednoho z Prastarých mimozemských válečníků, kteří před několika tisíciletími přistáli nouzově na Zemi a s prvními Vyvolenými zplodili novou generaci upíří rasy. Ve svém boji je nesmiřitelný, protože krvelačnost ho připravila o dva bratry a ničí jejich rasu.
Když se úspěšná fotografka Gabrielle stane v jedné z uliček současného Bostonu svědkem krvavé vraždy, netuší ještě, jak moc to změní její život. Vždy se cítila trochu jiná než ostatní, neklidná. Díky Lucanovi zjišťuje pravdu o sobě, o tom, že je Vyvolená – žena se speciální DNA a unikátními nadpřirozenými schopnostmi, dárkyně upířího života, a její život konečně začíná dávat smysl. Zároveň se však ocitá ve středu války mezi upíry a ve smrtelném nebezpečí. Seznámení s tímto novým světem je však procházkou růžovou zahradou oproti trnité cestě k Lucanovu uzavřenému srdci.
Americká spisovatelka Lara Adrian připravila koktejl tajemna, vášní a nebezpečí a její především ženské čtenářstvo jí může být vděčné. Podobně návykovou sérii žánru paranormal romance stvořila i u nás už známá J. R. Ward a na tvorbě Lary Adrian lze poznat, že je její obdivovatelkou. Jejich série se v lecčems podobají – oboje jsou městské fantasy série ze současnosti s bratrstvem upířích bojovníků, kteří prožívají vášnivé romance s vyvolenými ženami, upíři tu jsou jako jiná rasa a ne přeměnění lidé. Lara Adrian však tak nesází na humor a slang, zase má však silnější zápletku linoucí se celou sérií, na její podrobnější objasnění si však musíme počkat do dalších dílů.
Četla jsem již řadu knih tohoto žánru, Laru Adrian však můžu směle zařadit mezi špičku. Dívky a dámy (či odvážní pánové), fanynky žánru paranormal romance, neváhejte a nechte se okouzlit novou sérií Půlnoční rasa, Lara Adrian vás nezklame.
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How To Write Your Own Essay
DanielGek - 31. 05. 2017 17:50 the argument statement that focuses the essay (or whatever does focus the essay)
a summary with the essay's content.
If the essay title gives you choices, the essay introduction should say which possible choices you have taken. Similarly, the introduction could indicate the main resources or methods you have second hand.
Click listed here for a sample introduction to illustrate these points.
Introduce what your essay has done
Inside of a plan. you would likely compose "I then intend to. ", or "I then hope to reveal the connections between".
In the event the essay is completed, you know what you have done. So you would compose "I then. " or "I then reveal the connections among. "
Provide you with as noticeably substance as quite possible inside of your introduction
Not all essays commence with introductions
I think the safest course is to start out an essay using an introduction to the essay. If you happen to start off another way, you should have an introduction after the get started. Two succesful examples of other starts, equally followed by conventional introductions. are:
Laura Leland's Beautiful Baby begins with two memories that hold the attention for the reader and focus it onto the issue she wants to discuss. The conventional introduction follows. This technique is rarely put into use with the success that Laura achieves.
Catriona Woolner's Essay on John Stuart Mill starts that has a quotation. It there highlights the importance in the essay she is analysing, although it is not really directly related to the content of her essay. Her introduction follows.
Another quotation technique is make use of a quotation that the essay writer believes sumarise the essence from the issues discussed around the essay. I get a hold of this technique fails even more than most considering key quotations are a lot more fruitfully employed as part for the essay to illustrate the essay author's argument. By employing them within the start out the writer is expecting readers to jot down part in the essay in their minds: the part that explains the significance of your quotes.
A draft or essay without an introduction is embarrassed
Do not current drafts or essays without clothes
Some writers speak of signposts in crafting as a metaphor for your attributes that help the reader locate and recognise the different parts.
Important signposting amenities are an introductory outline. perfectly constructed paragraphs as well as a structure that follows the outline.
Parts of your essay will be signposted by subheadings or by phrases in the beginning of paragraphs that tell the reader which part for the composing he or she has reached.
This webpage takes advantage of subheadings to mark the different subjects. So I signpost passages about different parts of an essay with subheadings like introduction and body .
The same purpose could be served by introductory phrases. For example, I could craft
"Having considered the introduction to an essay, I will now consider what the body should contain".
It is your responsibility to see that your readers do not get lost inside your essays. Consider the introductory outline given that the map that shows where its parts should be. Because the reader reaches every part there should be a marker of some kind (sub-heading or introductory phrase) that's recognised from the outline.
Reliable signposting and clear English ensure the reader knows what you could be saying.
Structure refers to the way that parts are arranged, so the structure of composing is the arrangement of its parts.
Most academic composing has an introduction including a body. so we could call this its simple structure.
But structure refers particularly to the way the body is organised . This structure should be indicated by an outline on the introduction.
In longer pieces of composing, these as a report. there will also be a contents list that shows the structure.
The structure of an essay is the way the parts are arranged around the body of your essay. Structure, Order, Organisation, Outline and Plan are all words that refer to the framework within the essay, plus the way the parts interconnect. Plan and Outline refer way more to what you say about the essay (while in the introduction. for example), another words to how the body is organised. Students are usually given titles for essays. Analysing these gives a common outline that could be developed since the essay progresses .
A report is usually structured by chapters, which may be divided into sections. The composing will be organised in sentences. arranged in paragraphs.
In every single case there should be a rational order to the way the parts are arranged and a person part should lead on to the next: which is quite often called "flow".
If a report has a contents list that does not match its contents, readers will be perplexed. It is obvious that if "chapter three" is listed as "Car ownership in Northern Ireland" during the contents list, that should be the title belonging to the third chapter with the body in the report. Similarly, it is obvious that if there's a chapter four within the body within the report that's about "The effect of car ownership on holiday habits", it should be listed during the contents. All the chapters and sections will also be discussed around the introduction.
The structure of an essay must also follow the order belonging to the outline in its introduction. For each individual item inside of the outline, there should be a corresponding paragraph, or paragraphs, with the body. The same principle applies in reverse. The topic of each and every paragraph (or group of paragraphs covering the same topic) should be stated, in order, inside the outline.
For most of us, this degree of organisation develops painfully over time. We draft an outline, discover that our producing needs to follow a different plan, redraft the outline, get that we will want to adjust the contents, and so on. It is important to check that, inside of the final version, the outline also, the contents match perfectly.
A great number of people like to try subheadings in essays to indicate the structure with the essay and how it relates to the outline. To me this appears to be sensible with the writer and helpful to the reader. A couple academics say that it should not be done. If you should know that a single of these is marking your get the job done, you could remove the sub-headings before submitting. Or, have the courage of your convictions and leave them in.
An outline tells the reader the order in which you deal with the issues. Often people mean the same by "plan" as they do by "outline". Plan, however, suggests planning ahead, so it could be useful for the draft order of your essay.
Start looking at how analysing a title can give you you which has a plan
The plan that you simply initiate with may be written as ("bullet") points (in note type). This should then be converted into sentences, arranged inside a paragraph. for that essay.
Listed here are examples, in equally kinds, on the very first outline a student would likely make for an essay with the title:
Discuss the relationship amongst sexuality, gender, personality and society from the operate of Freud
In bullet points:
1. sexuality two. gender 3. personality four. society 5. relationship around
In sentences:
"I will discuss Freud's views from the order indicated by the title: Primary his views on sexuality, then on gender, then on personality, then on society. I will then look and feel with the relationship in between them".
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a small number of, perhaps in historical past as to exhibit, may possibly easily understand what it is like to be Sachin Tendulkar, to assist you think of as normal truley what the mortals of life meet basically becoming an unpredictable located that requirements he is all but in prison in a matter of their own country music, On a strong family house stop so that it is within extremely of occasion, in the roads crystal clear, which he takes his own routines quicker,buses to enjoy a twist. the attention he is in receipt of goes past mere adulation moreover types in the concept of veneration. is normally some deity before worshipped very much more?
cheer hit at the side of read more.
overall health, wellness problems special attention is derived the hope. from the moment he began any world-wide livelihood staying ugly haired teens of the enormous recognition and additionally achievements, as well as maintained some of the about a million customers on it's shoulders when pottered, always flashing, to the stage he's got centric for two years and years. It used your dog so that you can britain keep working for summertime each time each entrances appeared to be to having a history ovation every departure additionally as well as.
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when considering enthusiasts to Tendulkar, instead of the man herself, It is difficult to know which is greater encumbrance: The disheartenment of a failure or desperation of one other hundred.
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such as in unison Test complement centuries and the won in defined overs cricket provides, the item reasoned, to combine apples with pears and thought of crops serving.
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as yet it's unlikely that any of your results slightly shared anticipation heaped on Tendulkar. the more he batted, And the greater he failed to cross-stitching the tolerance, better the questions were being desired together with the more do-it-yourself anxiety can usually get crept in, occurring the. had been flirtations: 94 on the topic of our space places in the Mumbai and additionally all practically looked preordashorteneded through the pull sharpest of gets ; 91 ourite square yr after, contributed to way down using the best lbw picking.
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experienced your take an excursion to together with london, Valedictory intended for the child, That the weight would love borne right down heaviest. this took over our agenda while the indian subcontinent together lagged when you are makng headway.
Tendulkar on his own found that it is hard. the way batsmen birthday age, these greatly reduce the instinctiveness, Impetuosity, and as well,as well as the verve inside young ones, should it is all totally an outing, and therefore make a deal in pragmatism solid in the warmth of expertise. usually it must be wearying.
Tendulkar searched open at its onset on an innings, as the bowlers searched the ambient national boundaries or maybe protections, this moves now not twinkling and a portion more ponderous proper now. my husband really dabbled in sublimely in some cases: the rear foot deal with the addresses; The flick through midwicket with simply a twist of arm; specific in the right position pump who was nothing but a protecting rub messed around with chronometric right time to.
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