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Jde bezpochyby o jeden z nejúspěšnějších románů Julese Verna, který je stále živý díky tajuplné postavě kapitána Nema. Znalec a sběratel „verneovek“ Ondřej Neff příběh nově převyprávěl, takže je přístupný a atraktivní i pro současného čtenáře. Ozdobou knihy jsou ilustrace a kvaše Zdeňka Buriana, které nádherně podtrhují exotickou a dobrodružnou notu tohoto příběhu. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Dann - 08. 06. 2008 12:03 Tahle kniha mě moc příjemně překvapila. Byla první, kterou jsem od J. Verna četl, a díky skvělému převyprávění od pana Neffa se stala ještě lepší, než jsem očekával. I obálka je velice krásná. Vřele doporučuji jak milovníkům Verneovek tak i těm, kteří dosud žádnou nečetli.
RE: Ad Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem, Verne Jules a Neff Ondřej Gaarq - 10. 06. 2008 08:01 > Byla první, kterou jsem od J. Verna četl...
četl jste tuto verzi jako první, nebo originál?
RE: RE: Ad Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem, Verne Jules a Neff Ondřej Dann - 10. 06. 2008 12:35 Jako první, k originálu jsem se zatím bohužel nedostal.
RE: RE: RE: Ad Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem, Verne Jules a Neff Ondřej standa.e - 15. 06. 2008 10:48 Pak vase hodnoceni a doporuceni ve vztahu k originalu nemohu brat vazne. Proc proste nenapisete: Original neznam, ale tato kniha se mi libila?
RE: RE: RE: RE: Ad Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem, Verne Jules a Neff Ondřej Dann - 15. 06. 2008 12:43 >Pak vase hodnoceni a doporuceni ve vztahu k originalu nemohu brat vazne.
O vztahu k originálu tady nepadlo ani slovo. Napsal jsem, že se mi kniha líbila, ale že originál jsem ještě nečetl. Takže proč bych měl psát to co mi říkáte?
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Ad Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem, Verne Jules a Neff Ondřej dahak - 15. 06. 2008 16:36 Možná proto, že to, co jsi četl, není Verne.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Ad Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem, Verne Jules a Neff Ondřej Dann - 15. 06. 2008 17:56 Je to Verneho příběh, pouze převyprávěný. Ale, aby jste tedy byli spokojení:
Originál jsem nečetl, ale tato kniha se mi líbila. S originálem ale nemohu srovnávat.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Ad Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem, Verne Jules a Neff Ondřej dahak - 15. 06. 2008 18:14 jo to už je lepší :-))) není nad přesné informace!!! ono se totiž převyprávění od originálu dost liší :-))))
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Ad Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem, Verne Jules a Neff Ondřej Dann - 15. 06. 2008 19:19 Myslíš dějově, nebo jen ve stylu psaní?
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Ad Dvacet tisíc mil pod mořem, Verne Jules a Neff Ondřej standa.e - 16. 06. 2008 09:54 Zalezi na vypraveci. V tomto pripade se lisi tez dejove i charaktery postav. Jednoduse, s puvodnim dilem to ma spolecneho jen zakladni kostru a jmena. Alespon pokud je mi znamo ;-)
![]() kr2b - 17. 06. 2008 12:24 Tohle skutečně nemá s původní knihou mnoho společného. To není převyprávění, ale úplně nová kniha. Hlavní dějová osa je o něčem jiném. Je to Neff lehce inspirovaný Vernem. Pěkné jsou Burianovy ilustrace. Nevím jak může někdo psát, že je to první kniha od J. Verna, když to vlastně žádná verneovka není. Nemyslím si, že by ve verneovkách bylo něco nepochopitelného pro mládež. Konkrétně tuhle knihu jsem četl zhruba v 10 letech a pamatuju si, že jsem ji přelouskal za 2 dny. Stejně tak mě fascinovala i většina dalších románů od J. Verna.
RE: Tohle skutečně nemá s původní knihou mnoho společn... Čukot - 17. 06. 2008 14:52 Podle mne je to naprostý paskvil. Ztratilo se z toho celé kouzlo vernových příběhů. A nejví mě vyděsilo, že někdo může napsat "Tahle kniha mě moc příjemně překvapila. Byla první, kterou jsem od J. Verna četl". To je naprostá hrůza. Nakladatelství Albatros svou podle mne již dlouhý čas šílenou vydavatelskou politikou (stačí se podívat, jak ničí svou vlajkovou edici Knihy odvahy a dobordružství), teď ještě přispívá k naprostému úpadku vzdělanosti. Jen více takovýchto převyprávění. Až někdo udělá z Babičky erotický thriller, někdo chytrý určitě taky napíše: "Je to první kniha, kterou jsem od Boženy Němcové četl a příjemně mně překvapila".
RE: RE: Tohle skutečně nemá s původní knihou mnoho společn... Dann - 17. 06. 2008 15:42 Tohle jsem nemohl vědět, protože žádnou původní knihu od Verneho jsem nečetl. V dobách, kdy byly v "módě", jsem ještě nebyl na světě. Tímto se omlouvám za svůj omyl, ale tak nějak mě to nenapadlo.
RE: RE: RE: Tohle skutečně nemá s původní knihou mnoho společn... standa.e - 17. 06. 2008 16:46 Nemyslim, ze mate duvod se omlouvat. Proste jste nevedel a ted uz vite. A o tom ta diskuse je, no ne? ;-)
RE: RE: RE: Tohle skutečně nemá s původní knihou mnoho společn... Cukot - 18. 06. 2008 15:11 Toto nebyl útok na Vás, pokud to tak vyznělo, omlouvám se, bylo to ve svatém nadšení. Já si taky myslím, že se nemáte za co omlouvat. Omlouvat by se mělo nakladatelství Albatros.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Tohle skutečně nemá s původní knihou mnoho společn... Dann - 21. 06. 2008 21:33 Dobře, vše vyřešeno. Teď si jen počkáme ještě na omluvu toho Albatrosu :).
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So many record the primary world war, there is no doubt that the game can be said to be the garage in this series played the most effective game. The first about three games, garage is averaging 35. 3 points and several. 7 rebounds, 6 assists, shooting 40. 3% and also 35. 3% from a few, compared with the frequent season shooting stage, a clear degree of decline, however the game, garage completely ridiculous. The blazers in numerous players to hound him, but no one can certainly disturb his rhythm. Car port, as it were, in the game again to learn "day day" feeling.
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Of course, it doesn't matter what other people think, garage three points for own performance with complete confidence. In the third quarter the warriors together with 88-58 big lead the blazers, garage outside this three-point line again, the ball away from the one hand, he / she turned back field, the ball firmly into the basket, the whole upheaval. Can put the three points in this state, the other get together can say what?
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The garage He the many 3-pointer this season, you can find 105 of 3 is just not sending (272), put simply, is to create opportunities, nasty sto vote. This trick in the team's star, such since flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, Paul, but often because another person errs, physical strength consumption, to the number of times few, and the hit ratio is just not high. But obviously is definitely an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times is not assists quantity highest in alliance,[url=http://www.stephencurryshoes.us]stephen curry shoes[/url] even better than lebron James thrown directly into more all 3-pointers, and also the shooting is in any league all five this sort of not assists free-throw shooting players out on the fifth (41. 8%), the two quality and quantity. Obtained together, the three points in order to thrown into space is just not an easy thing, will need to have the forty percent three-point shots must create his own images, this how tired! The most precious is, no subject when and where, and learning to make moves, garage has a high percentage. It is no wonder how the manager of the enthusiast when Bob myers not too long ago told the Associated Click said: "as long while it's garage, to have the ball is reasonable. inch.
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In breakthrough, garage can be a difficult moves, a myriad of people all the method up his defense, which include lebron, but Treasury first in a myriad of dazzling dribble move Thompson, right after air and rival crash cases, the hard to be able to score.
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JR, defensive Kevin Durant appear superfluous action KD feet apart from sprained my ankle
BKI89yves - 22. 07. 2018 14:35 Knight's technique clearly, today is for you to cling to garage, do not give him any likelihood, and Kevin durant is always individually with defense. But garage or under heavy defensive seek out opportunities, such as experience [url=http://www.stephencurryshoes.us]stephen curry shoes[/url] low, he mobilized, use the other fear his circumference ability garage easily scored two points.
The last 80 seconds from the first half, durant missed shots from outside, the particular basket three players usually are knights, including Thompson, lebron, therefore, the Treasury rushed in to the basket from the lengthy position, unexpectedly the offensive rebounds inside the knight encirclement! Then he / she points ball durant, which finished scores!
And the second half, knight to defensive strategy is apparently shaken, they don't have an excessive amount double again, help, oddly enough, JR in 1 upon 1 against Arsenal, and directly put the particular garage was pushed for the ground.
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Today is usually June 1, the time [url=http://www.kdshoes.us.com]kevin durant shoes[/url] may be the international children's day, it seems in the "primary school" is just about the holiday today.
Small garage finish I rested most of the holiday to battle, he's still the contribution towards the brilliant stroke, but also pass a 3-pointer by means of Kevin durant. The last 3 minutes, garage off ahead of schedule, because the sport had no suspense.
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Scene: the magic!Garage half-court foul Teamed up with Kevin Durant hit meng knight
BKI89yves - 22. 07. 2018 15:45 A couple steals in his Arsenal, [url=http://www.stephencurryshoes.us]stephen curry shoes[/url] in the first 1 fourth, and the two steals to garage an overall of 106 times inside playoffs career steals, which in turn transcends the rick Craig, became the steals in the history of the warriors team inside the playoffs.
Garage into seven three-pointers from the game, this also let their playoff three-pointers hit number up to 261, match the Robert horry, 9th three points in playoff heritage list. Distance comes eighth Chauncey billups, he furthermore only six three factors.
37 points in solely three games, came [url=http://www.curryshoes.us.com]curry shoes[/url] to life, and this is his there is much surprise, including playoffs) eighth score 35 + sport with three alone, in excess of 7 times of Russell westbrook, top of the league.
So many record the first world war, there is no doubt which the game can be reportedly the garage in this series played the most beneficial game. The first three games, garage is averaging 27. 3 points and 5. 7 rebounds, 6 aids, shooting 40. 3% as well as 35. 3% from three, compared with the frequent season shooting stage, a particular degree of decline, nevertheless the game, garage completely ridiculous. The blazers in several players to hound them, but no one can disturb his rhythm. Shed, as it were, in the game again to find out "day day" feeling.
11 three-point collection out hand, hit [url=http://www.kdshoes.us.com]kd shoes[/url] eight goals, including vast ranges of three points. Wearing warriors baseball hat sitting from the stands to watch the old garage, it also appears to obtain son's playing god are some incredible performance. The lens towards old garage, he couldn't help but shook his / her head.
Of course, regardless of other people think, garage three points because of their own performance with complete confidence. In the third quarter the warriors having 88-58 big lead the particular blazers, garage outside the three-point line again, the ball clear of the one hand, he turned back field, the ball firmly to the basket, the whole uproar. Can put the three points in this state, the other get together can say what?
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The soup god loses Kevin Durant: he can help the team in other ways
BKI89yves - 22. 07. 2018 15:52 After a brought the first [url=http://www.curryshoes.us.com]curry shoes[/url] golf ball, a garage at the actual match: each other outlined a perfect diamond top, teammate Steve Blake flew to visit up, left the clippers defend darren collison (microblogging) the gap between two steps at the rear of their closely, Danny granger will be the only defender in tow. This is the garage superior court intuition and knowning that embodies: his shot collection. He seems to fully grasp the defensive player in the ideas, can predict their particular next move, then strike early in advance. "When other people tend to be doing gesture, garage within judgment, and the video game, this is Stephen is the best place, in this respect the particular league may be second to none. Find field space, know the place that the defense space will happen, it is the key with the art of his shots. Because no matter how good your shots, a lot more exquisite technology, no space is useless. "ESPN's Jesse thorpe, once wrote in his article.
Garage very carefully [url=http://www.stephencurryshoes.us]stephen curry shoes[/url] observing the defense, he also provide reason to be therefore cautious. Before this, the warriors have skipped 12 goals in 13 shots in the past, is now 33 in order to 37 behind the clippers, disturbed with the right leg muscle anxiety of garage after only one of 4. For storage himself, this ball is important: before a season, he hit a record in NBA history together with 272 grains of several points, if again established three points today, his three points this season hit number will surpass 200 mark. So that library can become the sixth in a row has no less than two season hit 190 grains of three gamers, at the same moment, still can have a few points to continuous hit game streak carry on and 54 games - it's going to be the warriors team record record.
"I like everything [url=http://www.kdshoes.us.com]kevin durant shoes[/url] associated with the shooting, " garage once said within an interview, "but with the most especially in perfect give posture. When your body's in good rhythm, from standing in the feet on the floor, his hands to complete a trial, all series of joint actions are going to be calm and smooth, like waves. It's a great feeling. ".
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